Object Fields

When defining objects in your Object Definition File, each object’s schema is defined by key value pairs, where the keys are field names and the values are types. When rendering, each type is represented by a distinct liquid value or an object hash.

The available types are:


Values will be interpreted as a liquid string.


Values will be displayed as a liquid number.

Note that while it’s perfectly valid to specify integers in files, these numbers are always interpreted as floats - specifically as signed 64 bit floats.


When rendering numbers, it’s typical to use the round filter to obtain the desired precision. See https://shopify.github.io/liquid/filters/round/

{{ object.number | round: 2 }}


Values will be displayed as a liquid boolean.

There are only two values, which should be defined unquoted - either true or false. You can use these values for reliable control flow, usually inside if statements.


Values will be interpreted as a liquid datetime, but represented as a string in toml files.

The following date formats are supported in toml files:

  • DD Month YYYY HH:MM:SS
  • Dow Mon DD HH:MM:SS YYYY

In all formats, you may specify offsets by appending either +HHMM or -HHMM

Rendering dates

When rendering a date, you’ll typically want to use the date filter to display human-readable values.

For instance:

This page was last updated at {{ object.date | date: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" }}.

This filter uses the same formatting strings as strftime.


Values will be parsed as markdown before rendering, and output as HTML.

Markdown is a simple formatting language that is intended to allow you to write formatting into a human-readable text that can then be translated into actual formatting code later. For more info on markdown, check out the Markdown Guide or the Syntax page.

archival uses comrak to parse markdown, which supports standard markdown plus Github Flavored Markdown extensions. This means that the following additional formatting is available:

| foo | bar |
| --- | --- |
| baz | bim |
- [ ] foo
- [x] bar
~~Hi~~ Hello, ~there~ world!
  • Autolinks (links will automatically be clickable)

image, video, upload, audio

These types are special object types that have the following keys:

filename = "asparagus-bacon-sambal-lime-vinaigrette.png"
sha = "31f4725e732340541f83065d7bde1eba22a3aa2dd507f2811b8f69a07250379b"
name = "asparagus-bacon-sambal-lime-vinaigrette.png"
display_type = "image"
mime = "image/png"

The display_type depends on the type definition, and the others are populated by either the archival editor or the archival upload command.

These files are uploaded to a cdn, and will be retrieved at the url <cdn_url>/<sha>. When rendering, a url field is automatically generated for these file types.

To use one of these types in an object, you’ll generally access it via the URL. For instance, showing a simple image might look like this:

<img src="{{object.fieldname.url}}" alt="{{object.name}}"/>

Other metadata is useful depending on the file type. For instance, you could display a video using:

<video title="{{object.video.name}}" controls>